Jonathan Garrard

Jonathan Garrard
Tooele County Commissioner

Constitution Party

Jonathan Garrard for Tooele County Commissioner

I’m Jonathan Garrard, and I’m running for Tooele County Commissioner, because we need genuine transparency, true accountability, aggressive job and business recruiting, a firm commitment to protecting property rights, gun owners’ rights and a plan to maintain our county roads.

Jobs are key to a better way of life.

Tooele County can and should be shedding its current ‘out of county commuting’ and become a home for businesses and industries looking for a ready work force, a business-friendly climate and a break from oppressive government taxes and regulations.

Together we will work to make Tooele County an economically stable and vibrant place to live.

Tooele County should serve as a model for other counties, by safeguarding property rights, individual liberties, and promoting fiscal restraint.

Please join with me on November 8, 2016 in the effort to make Tooele County better for all our residents. My children


  • Property Rights
    1. The foundation of a free society is the right to own property. (Freedom to acquire, use and sell property.) As commissioner I will take a tough stand against efforts to weaken the rights of property owners in our county.
    2. I will work with the sheriff’s department on allowing the respectful usage of BLM lands throughout Tooele County.
  • Limited Government
    1. Government should provide necessary services without burdening taxpayers with new and ever-increasing taxes, fees, and assessments. Tooele County government must be lean and resourceful, accountable and easily accessible to residents.
  • Business Growth
    1. Only free enterprise can produce economic growth. The free market, when allowed to flourish, can lead to wealth and higher standards of living. The county should actively seek to attract, encourage and maintain new business and agricultural endeavors without thwarting expansion, imposing unreasonable taxes and fees and otherwise limiting growth of business.
    2. As employers locate within Tooele County, we will also help to alleviate the heavy commuter traffic to neighboring counties.
  • Government Accountability and Transparency
    1. County residents have the right to expect county commissioners will perform rigorous oversight of county business and departments making sure all services performed, all monies spent and all business transacted is necessary, above board, fiscally sound and responsible.
  • Gun Owners’ Rights
    1. I will work to maintain Constitutionally guaranteed 2nd Amendment rights with our county sheriff. I found Utah’s January, 17 2013 Sheriff’s Association letter to the President of the United States refreshing, especially with the support of 28 sheriffs out of 29.

Over the past 10 years I have visited the Utah Legislature sessions as a citizen and encouraged our Senators and Representatives to champion Freedom and Liberty in many of the issues above, as well as these below:

  • To stop “hate crimes” and “thought crimes” legislation.
  • To protect the sanctity of all life including children in the womb